FCS August 2024
August 2024 Edition
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August 2024 FCS Newsletter
August 1
Cultural Arts items due
August 6
Daviess County Homemaker Annual Meeting
August 15-25
KY State Fair
August 20
Homemaker Lesson trainings-Daviess County
August 21
Homemaker Lesson trainings-Henderson County
August 24
Extension at the Farmers Market
August 27
Adult Cooking Class
August 27
RSVP date for Green River Area Homemaker Meeting
September 2
Office Closed—Labor Day
September 5
What’s That Gadget Do?
September 24
Area Homemakers Annual Meeting
September 28
Lifesaver Walk at Moreland Park
Open Canning and Photography Entries at the Daviess County Fair were UP! Thanks to all who entered and everyone who attended.
Be sure to keep an eye out for next year’s fair catalog. There will be edited and new divisions and classes!
Check out the Kentucky State Fair, August 15-25 in Louisville. For more information, visit www.kystatefair.org. If you go, be sure to visit Cloverville to see all the amazing projects entered by 4-H members across the state.
Hope and Healing: Overcoming Substance Abuse
August 15th at 6:00pm at the Daviess County Public Library
Join Dr. Alex Elswick as he discusses the broader implications of substance abuse and the various resources available for those struggling with substance abuse.
Dr. Alex Elswick is a tireless advocate for people with substance use disorders. He currently serves the University of Kentucky as an Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist for Substance Use Prevention and Recovery. Alex is a trained researcher, recovery coach, and mental health therapist, as well as the co-founder of Voices of Hope, a peer-driven recovery community organization. But most importantly, Alex is himself a person in long-term recovery from the chronic disease of addiction.
Canning Class at the White Chateau
Monday, August 19
Two options for classes: 10 am to noon OR 5:30 to 7:30 pm
The class will include hands-on boiling water bath canning, and cover the basics of pressure canning and freezing.
Participants will leave with a jar of salsa, a food preservation workshop book, and recipes. Registration fee $5
Stop by the extension office with cash or check to pay and secure your spot.
Deadline August 14th
The classes will be at the White Chateau, 8753 Mulligan Rd. Owensboro, KY 42301
Stop by the Owensboro Regional Farmers Market on Saturday, August 24th! Katie Alexander and Sharayha Clingenpeel will have information and samples!
What’s That Gadget Do?
A program on small kitchen gadgets will be presented by Katie Alexander at the Daviess County Public Library at 6 pm on September 5th.
September 28th at Moreland Park
The annual walk is hosted by the Owensboro Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition. More information can be found on their Facebook page and coming in the September newsletter.
Merritt Bates-Thomas is back to share “Summer Fresh Recipes”
Adult Cooking Class August 27, 2024 5:30 pm at the Daviess County Extension Office
Space is limited, so please call 270-685-8480 by Friday, August 23rd to sign up!
Teaching Gratitude
Source: David Weisenhorn, Ph.D., Specialist for Parenting and Child Development
Instilling gratitude in children is an essential part of their emotional and social development. Gratitude helps kids appreciate what they have, fosters empathy, and enhances their overall well-being. To teach gratitude, start by modeling it yourself. Express thankfulness regularly, whether for a meal, a kind gesture, or simply for each other’s company. Discuss the concept of gratitude with your children and explain why it's important. Encourage them to recognize and acknowledge the efforts and kindness of others.
Creating a daily or weekly gratitude practice can be beneficial. For instance, during dinner, each family member can share something they are grateful for. This practice not only helps children focus on positive aspects of their day but also grows a habit of reflection and appreciation. Research from Harvard Medical School suggests that practicing gratitude can significantly improve mental health and relationships.
Here are some activities that can help foster thankfulness in children and improve their resilience and happiness:
Gratitude journals. Encourage your child to keep a gratitude journal in which they write or draw things they are thankful for each day. This activity helps them reflect on their daily experiences and recognize positive moments.
Thank you notes. Teach your children to write thank you notes for gifts, kindnesses, or any help they receive. This practice helps them acknowledge the efforts of others and express their appreciation.
Volunteer work. Involving children in volunteer work or community service teaches them to appreciate what they have and understand the value of giving back. Volunteering fosters empathy and gratitude as children see the impact of their actions on others.
Gratitude jar. Create a gratitude jar in which family members can drop notes of things they are thankful for. Reading these notes together occasionally can reinforce a sense of appreciation and shared positivity within the family.
By teaching and practicing gratitude, parents can help children develop a positive outlook and a deeper appreciation for the world around them.
Harvard Health Publishing. (2021). Giving thanks can make you happier. Retrieved from https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/giving-thanks-can-make-you-happier
Greater Good Science Center. (2018). The Science of Gratitude. Retrieved from https://ggsc.berkeley.edu/images/uploads/GGSC-JTF_White_Paper-Gratitude-
Cultural Arts Entries
Cultural Arts items for Daviess County are due to the Daviess County Extension Office by 4 pm August 1st. Please have the category and sub-category information
Lesson Trainings for 2024-2025
It’s a new Homemaker Year! The first two lesson trainings will be August 20th at the Daviess County Extension Office or August 21st at the Henderson County Extension Office.
September Lesson, 10:00 am
“All About Succulents”
October Lesson, 11:00 am
“Indoor Air Quality” presented by Hardin Stevens, UK Senior Associate.
Be sure someone from your club comes to participate in the training and picks up club information.
Thank you to the Daviess County Homemakers for donating snacks for the Daviess County 4-H campers. They enjoyed having snacks in their cabins during camp!
Green River Area Homemakers Annual Day
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Hartford Christian Church
RSVP to the Daviess County Extension Office by August 23, 2024
Daviess County Homemakers Annual Meeting
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 11:00 a.m.
At Daviess County Extension Office, 4800A New Hartford Road
Join us for lunch, awards, fun, and a short business meeting.
Additional Information for Annual Meeting
Meat for the lunch will be provided. Please bring additional foods based on your club:
· Homespun - Dessert
· Maceo - Vegetables
· South Hampton - Salads
· Trinity - Bread and Drinks
· Southern Belle - Additional Salads and Vegetables
This year’s meeting theme is quilts. If you have any quilts that can be used for decorations, please contact Anita Bruner at 270-929-2899.